Main Page

Welcome to Replication Ops!
Replication Ops is dedicated to the preservation of information from the production of the Star Trek Franchise. TOS to TNG, Voyager to Discovery, Picard to Prodigy, we care deeply about every corner of this franchise. Our number one goal is to leave no stone unturned, and leave no story untold. We've designed this to be a tool for modern prop-makers (and show runners 😉) to easily access as much exhaustive detail they can have on how certain props, sets, and costumes were produced, what their linage is, their function in the franchise specifically, and a complete history on the reproductions produced since the shows began. We've also designed it to be a reference guide for archivists, owners of production made pieces, and those who are just curious on how their favorite phaser, tricorder, tribble, or costume was made.
Currently, this project is just being maintained by caseytube, whose expertise only goes so far as the TNG-era. We have a list of "Active Projects" that need the attention of some folks who know what they're talking about. We need your expertise! So if you know something, don't be afraid to edit, make new pages, and generally help clean house! We love whatever you can contribute!
We're just getting started. If you want to contribute, we encourage you to visit the Active Construction page for a list of big-ticket items that need pages written, or works that need to be finished! Or, while you're looking around, if you see any links that look red, feel free to fill them in!
Thanks for visiting! This human adventure is just beginning!
- caseytube, Webmaster